Friday, July 9, 2010

Dementia Caregiving In Pasadena CA

Dementia Caregiving: When Nobody Appreciates You, What Can You Do?

By Paula Spencer, senior editor

What's worse –- the many challenging dimensions of dementia caregiving, like losing your privacy, worrying, assisting with daily living, filling the long hours, coping with new expenses, the anticipatory grief of watching someone you love change, and family-work stress (to name, oh, a few) –- or the thanklessness of it all?

Feeling taken for granted as a caregiver is incredibly common. Surveys indicate that more than half of all caregivers do. And yes, these understandable feelings are a stressor. What also adds stress: Feeling sheepish when you want to complain about this.


Are you feeling the stress of caregiving? Please contact us at

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